I said to my buddy because we had both moved to Memphis recently that I thought the boys might finally give the city another shot and I remember quite clearly being scoffed at. Then a very short time later, the spring dates were announced and we went down and grabbed tickets from the local Piggly Wiggly. We went in a group to the show. The only time I've ever actually gone with more than one person with me.
I ate more LSD on lot then I'd ever eaten before or since, seeking full immersion, two strips off a sheet with Qbert artwork..so by the time the boys took the stage I was totally bonkers. During the show I was convinced I wasn't coming back and thought well at least I'
m.going out dancing.
The crowd was stoked, the vibe was pretty right on, it was all that I had wanted out of the experience and much, much more. Hear the crowd on the Memphis lines in Candyman!!!! Yeehaw!!
Musically the band was pretty on point on this April Fool's and they dealt out a Really Decent, sort of dreamy watery , Candyman. The breakout of any new tune is always a good thing and in honor of the Mighty Mississippi we were treated to a pretty solid rendition of lTake Me To The River by Bobby. Also even today I like the Lazy River Road from this show even with its flaws. The Deal was also fairly hot towards the end.
Second set started off with Foolish Heart. My buddy Seth said this was the version of that song which took it from Day Job status to one of his favorite songs the band played. What more needs be said about that? A nice Eyes carried us off into Drums/Space where we ended up on an insectoid planet, them Wheel brought us back around. OK SOTM.
How do you rate a show fairly idk but for me this be is always gonna be a five. Nostalgia aside this wouldnt be a five star show of course. There wouldnt be any from this time of the bands career. But it's a good recording, from good show with a late day breakout. To me it stands up.As AR representation of the era. There was energy in the Pyramid and you can hear how the band fed on it. It's not 6/19/95. That's what it's all about. Five stars